Bonaire 2003


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Trip dates:

13 – 22 April 2003

Boat / resort:

Plaza Resort Bonaire

Dive centre:

Toucan Diving


Yes. They cater well for photographers, but I was not shooting a lot on this trip.

Number of dives:

17 out of 8 days of diving.

Diving conditions:

Clear weather, generally calm seas with the occasional choppy area. No currents. Water temperature 26 to 27°C Excellent visibility 20 to 30 m).


Another teaching trip with a group of friends, and that is why we did a god number of dives on the Plaza Resort house reef. After two days of certification dives, we went on the dive boats and dove off around the island and Klein Bonaire as well.

The hotel was nice. We took a mall suite with two rooms and a common kitchen, but did not cook much, to be honest. Seems like the American usual guests love to shop in the supermarkets around and cook themselves. We did not feel our stay was long enough for that and chose to eat out.

The diving was very comfortable from the Toucan Diving boats. Lots of people diving in Bonaire take the car formula, where you rent a car and a number of tanks, and drive around the island, to find the many well-signalled dive entry points. Again, with a group like ours and certification dives to do, the boat option was the best.

We dove with the famous divemaster Ebby. He took us twice for a night dive at the Town Pier. This is a very shallow dive (max 7 m) under the pillars, all covered in soft and hard corals, gorgonians of all colours, and plenty of weird critters, such as frogfishes, seahorses, eels, octopuses, spotted drums and many more. Most other dives in Bonaire are sheer walls, with very healthy corals and small stuff. The Hilma Hooker wreck is also a very nice dive, with big tarpons on the lookout.

Again, I shot with my trusty Olympus C-4040Z and the internal strobe.


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