Sharks / Tiburones




Afraid of sharks? Shouldn’t be. You have more chances of getting seriously harmed by bees than by these majestic, beautiful animals.

In this collection, you will find sharks and rays (they belong to the same family of cartilaginous fishes), encountered in various locations. If I had to tell you what my favourite shark is, I think I’d go for the lovely threshers of Malapascua, in the Philippines. But each of the places where I have gone especially to see sharks has been memorable : Bahamas, Cuba, Rangiroa, Djibouti, and of course the Red Sea!

I have had many buddies along on dives that were somewhat unhappy to dive with sharks, that is, before they did it for the first time. After that, I don’t know anybody that regretted it or did not want to go see them again.

 I love sharks and I hope we can all see sense and help protect them. If they go, so will the marine environment as we know it today.

Te dan miedo? No debieran. Lo creas o no, las abejas causan muchos mas accidentes fatales que estos majestuosos y bellísimos animales. 

En esta colección encontrarás tiburones y rayas ( pertenecen a la misma familia de peces cartilaginosos) observados en varios mares. Si tuviera que elegir una especie favorita, me inclino por los tiburones zorro de Malapascua en las Filipinas. Pero cada lugar a donde he ido específicamente para verlos ha sido memorable: Bahamas, Cuba, Rangiroa, Djibouti y por supuesto el Mar Rojo.

Muchos de mis compañeros de inmersión han expresado algo de temor antes de lanzarse al agua con ellos, pero solo antes de su primera experiencia. Después, no conozco un solo buzo que lo lamentase o no quisiera repetir.

Adoro a los tiburones, y espero que tengamos el sentido común de protegerlos. Si los perdemos, el mar no nos perdonará.


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